Tuesday 12 April 2011

Props List & Costume


Posters: The heroes put these up around the area, including a few places for comic affect

Molotov: Lit by one of the villains, displays a sense of danger for the heroes and shows that they are in conflict with actual gangsters and killers.

Road Map & hotel pieces: Used as part of a scene regarding plot and forms part of the DIY style of organization that the heroes have.

Lager and Tortilla Chips: Part of the background in the planning scene, making the characters seem more real.

Camera: The characters use this for surveillance on the local gang.

Laptop: Used to research crimes and vigilantism, a plot point that spurs the motivation to fight crime.

Cigarette: The cigarette carries the classic connotations of a bad character. As such the antagonists use these so the audience has recognition of them.

Mobile Phones: The main method of communication in the trailer, used by both heroes and villains and brings 21st century technology into the trailer.

‘Mysterious Package’: The antagonists are seen exchanging this on the street, hinting at their nefarious ways without being obvious that they are up to no good.


The main characters often wear different variations of black outfits to conceal themselves, and are an element of stealth; a comic occurrence is the fact that they wear this even in the day time where they are brightly lit and therefore easily visible. The black also forms a kind of uniform, hinting at the superhero origins, though moving towards a more realistic take on costumes.

The characters also wear a disguise in one scene, though purposefully made obvious that they stand out for comic affect.

Adversely, the antagonists wear different types of sports clothing, so that they represent the typical “chav” stereotype that the audience will understand, especially given youth crime is normally associated with this subculture.

We also based the antagonists off of the antagonists in Harry Brown, this is especially shown through their costume.

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