Tuesday 12 April 2011


Our Research on trailers clearly points to the music being an essential part of the trailer, not only does it tie all of the separated scenes together, it also helps to influence the audience into the pace and ‘feel’ of the trailer.  We have decided to try and obtain permission to use the music of the British hard rock band “the black spiders” their music being very heavy and upbeat and will increase the sense of action within our trailer, their small band status will make it easier to obtaining permission as we are directly able to contact their manager, it will also add to the idea of us producing an Independent film. Josh, as musical director, handled contacting the band: we took screenshots of the correspondence.

Complete Corrospondance

The Song we used was their song “Stay Down” after obtaining permission we went and looked at their music video for the song. we made sure to keep this in mind when it came to filming and editing, looking at what pacing matched what parts of the film.

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